Schedule and Prepare for Internship
Congratulations! Now that you have been selected for an internship, it's time to prepare for your summer experience:
- Contact your mentor to set your summer schedule and fill out your Intern Calendar.
- Complete your intern form and any additional onboarding steps with your mentor organization.
- Check with your parent/guardian to ensure they have received and completed the parent/guardian form.
- Attend Orientation and read the ASE Intern Handbook.
- Review and adhere to all intern expectations.
- Check your email regularly - even during vacation!
2024 Intern Orientation

Attend Orientation
Before ASE internships begin, interns participate in an online orientation with the ASE Staff. Orientation is designed to facilitate a successful internship experience for all participants. Orientation is required for all ASE interns. Interns’ parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
Attend the Mid-Summer Conference
The ASE Midsummer Conference is a chance for ASE interns to learn about science careers from professionals in the field and experience what a future career in each discipline might entail. Students also get the opportunity to build connections with fellow interns who share similar internships or interests. This is a required event for all ASE interns.

Attend Symposium
Interns must register for this year's Symposium here: link available in July
Symposium is the culmination of students’ summer activities. Interns convene online for a full day, to share their summer intern experiences. Each student presents their work in an oral presentation to mentors, parents, teachers, other interns, and community guests. Symposium is designed to broaden students’ technical expertise and strengthen their formal public speaking skills. It is also a critical learning event that enables interns to organize and synthesize what they’ve learned in the course of the internship. (This is a required event for all ASE interns. Mentors, parents and community guests are encouraged to attend.)
Write Your Summary and Thank You Letters
You've made it through a summer of personal and professional growth. You should feel accomplished for what you've learned and completed during your internship. Now what?
Write a Summary
- Your summary is included in your credit and completion packet sent to you and your school at the end of the summer.
- It is helpful to complete this step first as you can use your summary to help construct your thank you letters.
- Submit your summary via online form.
- Visit the Additional Resources tab for helpful documents.
Write Thank You Letters
- These are sent to the people that made your internship possible. ASE staff supplies you with a list of people to thank and a guide to help you complete this requirement.
- Thank you letters must be submitted to ASE before you receive your final stipend payment.
- Visit the Additional Resources tab for helpful documents.
Additional Resources
Getting Started as an Intern
- Intern Expectations
- Intern Handbook
- Parent Expectations
- Individual Development Plan
- Working Relationships Clarity & Alignment Worksheet
- Hopes, Expectations, & Fears Worksheet
- Some Thoughts on Success
Sharing your ASE Project Beyond ASE
Final Deliverables
- Checklist
- ASE Intern Symposium Registration
- What to Expect When Presenting for the ASE Symposium [VIDEO]
- Symposium Prep Handbook
- Summary Instructions
- ASE Intern Summary Form
- Thank You Letter Instructions
- 2024 MSC Symposium Prep Slides
- 2022 MSC Symposium Prep Recording
- ASE Logo (Web)
- ASE Logo (Print)
- UP Repository Sign-up